Haryana Map Logo e-Dashboard (HARYANA) 6th General Election, Panchayati Raj Institutions - 2022 (PHASE-II)    
State Election Commission, Haryana                               Date of Election - 2 November, 2022 (7 AM to 6:00 PM)
NIC Logo
वोट के लिए समय निकाले | ज़िम्मेदारी कतई ना टाले ||     लोकतन्त्र की यही पुकार | मतदान करेंगे अब की बार ||     चाची ताई बाहण बेटियों सुन ल्यो म्हारी बात | वोट डाल के आवण ते, बढ़े थारी बिसात ||
Information on this e-dashboard is being updated from respective Block i.e. BDPO Office
District : BHIWANI     Select Block :   Select Gender :   Select Caste :   Select Education
  Total Count : 0                                                        Average Age (Haryana) - 33        Panchayat(Result Not Declared Yet) - 0        Panchayat(No Election) - 0
TotalMaleFemaleTransGenderSCBC + OBCGeneral + OTH5th8th10th12thGraduation or AboveAverage Age
Disclaimer :Although every care is taken to ensure accuracy of the data, NIC is not Responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept into the information being published on NET. There may be some time gap in publishing the information on Net and occuring of actual event at different booths due to technical or administrative reasons. The data & information published on net are for immediate information of the Administration/citizen. Information depicted on the portal is provisional & certified information may be obtained from the respective Returning Officers or DDPO Office.

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