Haryana Map Logo e-Dashboard (Panipat) Election to the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PHASE-III)    
State Election Commission, Haryana                       Date of Election - 25 November, 2022 (7:00 AM to 6:00 PM)
NIC Logo
वोट के लिए समय निकाले | ज़िम्मेदारी कतई ना टाले ||     लोकतन्त्र की यही पुकार | मतदान करेंगे अब की बार ||     चाची ताई बाहण बेटियों सुन ल्यो म्हारी बात | वोट डाल के आवण ते, बढ़े थारी बिसात ||
Information on this e-dashboard is being updated from respective Block i.e. BDPO Office
Total Votes : 2200180
Votes Polled : 1862651
Vote Polled(%) : 84.7

District -
Total Votes :
Votes Polled :
Vote Polled(%) :
Booth NoBooth NamePanchayatParty ReachedLast Updated
1 Govt Middle School, Right SideADHMINO 
2 Govt Middle School, Middle SideADHMINO 
3 Govt Middle School, Right SideNANHERANO 
4 Govt Middle School, Middle SideNANHERANO 
5 Govt Senior Secondary School, Right SideCHHAJPUR KALANNO 
6 Govt Senior Secondary School, Left SideCHHAJPUR KALANNO 
7 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle SideCHHAJPUR KALANNO 
8 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle Right SideCHHAJPUR KALANNO 
9 Govt Middle School, Right SideDHANSOLINO 
10 Govt Middle School, Left SideDHANSOLINO 
11 Govt Primary School, Right SideTAMSABADNO 
12 Govt Primary School, Middle SideRAMDA RNO 
13 Govt Middle School, Right SideRISHPURNO 
14 Govt Middle School, Middle SideRISHPURNO 
15 Govt High School, Right SideJALALPUR-INO 
16 Govt High School, Left SideJALALPUR-INO 
17 Govt High School, Middle SideJALALPUR-INO 
18 Govt Primary School, Right SideNAGLA-RNO 
19 Govt Primary School, Left SideNAGLA-RNO 
20 Govt Middle School, Left SideNAWADA- AARNO 
21 Govt Middle School, Middle SideNAWADA- AARNO 
22 Govt Senior Secondary School, Right SideSANOLI KHURDNO 
23 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle RightSideSANOLI KHURDNO 
24 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle SideSANOLI KHURDNO 
25 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle Left SideSANOLI KHURDNO 
26 Govt Senior Secondary School, Right SideKUNDLA PATHARGARHNO 
27 Govt Senior Secondary School, Left SideKUNDLA PATHARGARHNO 
28 Islamia School, Left SideJALALPUR-IINO 
29 Govt Senior Secondary School, Left SideGARHI BESAKNO 
30 Govt Senior Secondary School, Right SideGARHI BESAKNO 
31 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle SideGARHI BESAKNO 
32 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle Right SideGARHI BESAKNO 
33 Govt Middle School, Right SideMOHALINO 
34 Govt Middle School, Right SideMOHALINO 
35 Madarsa School, Right SideNAWADA-PARNO 
36 Govt Middle School, Right SideSANOLI KALANNO 
37 Govt Middle School, Middle SideSANOLI KALANNO 
38 Govt Middle School, Right SideRANAMAJRANO 
39 Govt Middle School, Right SideRANAMAJRANO 
40 Govt Middle School, Right SideRANAMAJRANO 
41 Govt Middle School, Middle Left SideRANAMAJRANO 
42 Govt Girls Middle School, Right SideCHHAJPUR KHURDNO 
43 Govt Girls Middle School, Left SideCHHAJPUR KHURDNO 
44 Govt Girls Middle School, Middle SideCHHAJPUR KHURDNO 
45 Govt Senior Secondary School, Left SideKURARNO 
46 Govt Senior Secondary School, Right SideKURARNO 
47 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle East SideKURARNO 
48 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle North SideKURARNO 
49 Govt Senior Secondary School, Middle Side ( SC)KURARNO 
50 Govt Middle School, Right SideJHAMBANO 
51 Govt Middle School, Right SideJHAMBANO 
Disclaimer :Although every care is taken to ensure accuracy of the data, NIC is not Responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept into the information being published on NET. There may be some time gap in publishing the information on Net and occuring of actual event at different booths due to technical or administrative reasons. The data & information published on net are for immediate information of the Administration/citizen. Information depicted on the portal is provisional & certified information may be obtained from the respective Returning Officers or DDPO Office.

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